SR Dental College

Sudha Rustagi College of Dental Sciences & Research

Faridabad NCR ( Haryana ) INDIA

Recognized by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of INDIA, & Dental Council of INDIA. Affiliated to Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences , Rohtak .


A 9-year-old male patient reported to the Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry with a chief complaint of irregular teeth in his upper front region of mouth since 7-8 months. On intraoral examination, it was noted that
1)a mesiodens w.r.t. 11,21;
2) Rotation w.r.t. 21,
3)Anterior crossbite w.r.t. 22,32
Treatment plan:
1)The extraction of mesiodens was done under L.A ..
2)Initially Acrylic turbos were given then replaced with GIC Turbos followed by 2 by 4 fixed mechanotherapy appliances
3)A palatal button was placed to derotate 21. A 2 weeks follow up showed desired results .
4) Orthodontic retainer was done lingually in the maintenance phase.

Department Of Orthodontics

Department of Periodontics

A 19 year old patient undergoing completion of orthodontic treatment for closure of midline diastema was referred to the Department of Periodontology and Oral Implantology, Sudha Rustagi College of Dental Science and research, Faridabad for management of maxillary frenum. Frenectomy was considered as a preventive measure. Therefore, the present case was performed using a combination of Paralleling and Miller’s technique of Frenectomy. Frenectomy was performed using paralleling technique and a lateral pedicle graft was obtained using Miller’s technique and secured using 5-0 BBS sutures to achieve primary closure across the midline.
Patient is recalled after 14 days for suture removal

Department of Periodontics

A case of Indirect sinus lift and Placement of Dental implant was performed in the Department of Periodontics.

Department of Periodontics & Pedodontics

Special case – removal of mucocele of lower lip with diode laser , done in department of periodontics along with postgraduates from Pedodontics Department.

Department of Periodontics

Muco Gingival case with Freeze Dried Amniotic membrane as a biologic dressing at harvest site. Performed by Final Year Post Graduate student under the guidance of faculty.

Department of Periodontics

Surgical correction of Papillary attachment by Miller’s Technique.

Department of Pedodontics

Surgical management of impacted primary incisors aces

Department of Pedodontics

Management of grossly carious primary anterior teeth with composite post followed by esthetic buildup

Department of Prosthodontics

Case done by- Dr. Dheeraj (Guided by Dr. Neha and Dr. Salil)

Department of Periodontics

A patient aged 8 years reported to our department of Periodontics with gingival overgrowth in upper front teeth. The overgrowth was removed with laser under the guidance of Dr C S Baiju (HOD) and Dr Gunjan Gupta (Reader).

Department Of Orthodontics

Pre & Post Treatment Expansion Of Palate In Cleft Palate Patient

Department of Prosthodontics

A case of Ocular Prosthesis was accomplished under the guidance of HOD Dr. Salil Pawah with the workship and inputs from the faculty members.

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